Learn Photography

with one of our group classes


from beginner basics to pro tips, we have a class designed for you.

Pick the class that is best for you! From kids to teens to adults, we all can learn together! Classes will be held once per month in a group of 10-15 students with live instruction, and homework “challenges” to complete for the other weeks of the month at home.

Photo-FUN Class

Recommended for ages under 10 years old, this class is just to focus on fun monthly challenges to push your creativity! Learn about concepts from composition, perspective, color, and basic photo processing in Adobe Lightroom Classic. Read about topics covered in the 2022-23 school year syllabus.


Comprehensive Class

The Comprehensive Class is recommended for ages teen to adult, for people wanting to learn in depth how to operate their camera with manual settings and exercise pro-level shooting practices. We will cover all angles from how to properly expose your scene without using auto settings, composition, studio lighting to photo processing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Each monthly class will start with a group showing of work for positive, corrective criticism to aid in the mastering of your photography skills. Read about topics covered in the 2022-23 school year syllabus.

All classes cost $15 per month per student, or save 16% by paying $100 up front for the 8 month course.

Photography classes will be held in person on the last Thursday of every month at 1 or 3pm (depending on which class) at our home in Mona UT, starting August 25th, 2022.

Supplies Necessary for the class: